Why do HVAC systems need expansion joints?

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Hits: 86

Expansion joints accommodate thermal growth. Thermal growth happens when pipes expand or contract, and the compensation offered by expansion joints helps to prevent stress from being transferred to the pump operating in the HVAC system. When a pump or other piece of rotating equipment becomes stressed as a result of thermal growth, there is risk of bearing problems and mechanical seal failure. Expansion joints essentially help to increase the life of the pumping equipment operating in your HVAC system. Expansion joints reduce vibration. Anytime you have a pump operating in a system, you are going to have vibration. It is just a fact of life. Designing expansion joints into your HVAC system will greatly reduce the vibration if you properly select the expansion joints...

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Our services division specializes in the design, construction & provision of wastewater solutions.

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Hits: 75

Bluwstein Co connects the pump systems community through a digital network of websites, eNewsletters, and social media channels, enabling pump industry professionals to exchange ideas, news stories, product information, case studies, videos, event information, and more.

Connect, Inform, Educate is not just a tagline, but the road map we follow each day to motivate the global pump industry, drive thought leadership and create future leaders in the industry we love! Bluwstein Co creates connections for pump professionals by providing a platform for people to share their...

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Water and waste water require special pumps.

by Super User
Hits: 83

Whether for feeding filter presses, digestion tanks, and thickeners at municipal sewage treatment plants and in the water treatment industry, or for raw wastewater conveyance in pumping stations reliability is the key word in all of these typical pump applications. In addition, these pumps must be safe to run dry and must not allow materials to get entwined in the machinery. With its series EM, CM and HM diaphragm pumps, ABEL is the diaphragm pump specialist that meets these requirements and is known far beyond the boundaries of Europe. Diaphragm pumps are the perfect solution for transporting digested sludge, floating sludge, raw sludge or mixed sludge. The closed design prevents odor build-up, allows for high pressure, and is known for durability.

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La corretta raccolta differenziata

by Super User
Hits: 1016

Quando si parla di rifiuti, in particolare in periodi di crisi e difficoltà di gestione da parte degli enti locali, si tende a dimenticare che parte del problema nasce in casa nostra. In effetti, ognuno di noi produce in media circa 500 kg di rifiuti all’anno, il 40% dei quali è composto da imballaggi inutili. Una corretta filiera dovrebbe partire proprio da qui, ovvero dalla riduzione degli imballaggi alla fonte, e dall’utilizzo di materiali riciclabili, da introdurre correttamente negli appositi contenitori e seguendo le indicazioni del proprio comune. Un trattamento più rispettoso dell’ambiente, unito ad un consumo consapevole e oculato, potrebbero contribuire in modo sostanziale al processo di raccolta, conferimento e trattamento dei rifiuti.

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